OnPage announced its collaboration with ConnectWise in 2015. Since that time, OnPage has seen MSP customers flock to the integration to solve many of their incident alert management needs. Â Over the past few weeks, OnPage has begun to unveil its enhanced ConnectWise Manage integration. The update enables incident responders to have much greater control over … Continued
Interoperability describes the extent to which systems and devices can exchange data, and interpret that shared data. For two systems to be interoperable, they must be able to exchange data and subsequently present that data in a manner that can be understood by a user. Typically, this exchange is thought of in terms of how … Continued
Sixty-nine percent of CIOs said their hospitals see mobile strategies as a key initiative to improve clinical and operational outcomes. –MedCityNews.com This statistic presents a strong viewpoint on how healthcare sees its future and how technology will play into it. Clearly, mobile will play a major part. However, the question that remains is whose mobile … Continued